Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Twitter the savior of Live TV?

This is actually one slightly outrageous statement made this week among many (Android saving the world and the short lived Nokia shareholders Plan B).

Twitter has came out and stated that they are saving live television. Alright, i will take a bite of this and chew on it for a bit. Lets take the superbowl for example. Never before have i ever experience such a social interaction...away from people. Just by sitting at my computer I was constantly able to talk with my followers and friends about the status of the games, thoughts on advertisements, etc. More importantly it made it fun to watch live tv. The only real way to experience that interaction was by watching live televisions and interacting with people via social media (Twitter, Facebook).

In my case i was sitting at home with the parents, nursing my wisdom teeth. Most people would be at a party or a bar. These people can still interact socially through mobile devices.

Now about saving live tv....yes it does make it more fun, but i know that there are millions of people without a Twitter account. In the short term i don't think it will greatly affect live tv viewership (only if the number of people using Twitter increases exponentially). What it will do, is for those that have embraced technology and social media, it will give a heightened experience that will encourage them to view these programs as they are airing.

Taking this to another level, what if there was a way to tag your social media device (Tablet, Netbook, Phone) to your television and allow you to actively interact socially with other people watching those programs. Now that would make the experience super easy, cool and inviting. (I'm thinking a plus for sports games but we may have to watch out for obscenities and bullying online)

Anyone else have thoughts on if Twitter will be the savior of live tv?

Best Regards,

-The Marketing Ninja

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