Friday, February 4, 2011

Google Admits Defeat To Yahoo In Battle For Real Estate Search Superiority


Google, under the reigns of Larry Page, has cut support for Real Estate Search and Listings from its Maps application. It seemed that very few people used the feature and it could not compete with other advanced options available online.

A few days later, (One of the leading online Real Estate companies that just raised $87 million in funding and got 15.7 million visitors last month) and finalized a new partnership. Now Zillow can advertise listings/have them appear on Yahoo Real Estate.

It is a shame for Google to step out of this search race for not being able to compete in the industry. Online search is a huge component in the home buying process and it is surprising for a company with such a large brand presence in the search industry (Google) to drop out of the business.

Guess they are reorganizing internal resources to fight other future battles. Maybe they needed the extra people to finish up their much needed response to a failed buyout of Groupon (Google Deals).

Best Regards,

-The Marketing Ninja

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