Monday, January 31, 2011

Audi Superbowl Social Media Buzz

I don’t much care for Audi other than the super cool ads they always seem to have. My automotive heart rests within the motor city and American made cars. That mentality mostly stems from a family(and extended family) that owe the majority of their lively hood toward jobs with the classic Big Three.

On my daily sprawl through AdAge, I notice this article on The Superbowl Audi Ad. What a creative way to extend that 3 million dolla tv spot onto social media. Im sure for Audi it is for more of bragging rights, but heck…I think I might follow along and give the experience a whirl. You can expect me to be comfortably utilizing my twitter account/hashtags this weekend as I nurse the removal of my wisdom teeth (unfortunately no beer or nachos for me L. I feel that the slizzurp the doctor will prescribe should have me feeling pretty gravy).

The article goes on to point out a fear of not many people knowing what a hashtag is or how to use it (for more information on hashtags click on this great link from mashable). That’s an expected risk in social media integrated tv advertisements but realistically who gives a damn. You are not going to magically have every individual using twitter/hashtags.  The people who find value and are currently influenced by the technology will know what it is. Success depends on the value of the content provided (cool useful information on the product or fun engagement with the community) and if it is buzzzzz worthy.

If you are looking for a way to keep in-touch and aggregate hashtag responses check out TweetGrid. I have yet to use it but it looks like a great way to get functionality and quality value from using/following hashtags.
Hopefully you enjoyed this social media driven blurb about Audi. I for one am excited and might blog about the success/failure/obscurity/buzz generated by this clever tactic. For now i am going to finish a case study. 


-The Marketing Ninja

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